Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dad, No Dad, Seriously, Dad...

Current Location: Denver, Colorado

My dad called me tonight. It's the first time I've spoken to him since I started this road trip.

Mind you, I chose not to tell him I was driving cross country out of fear that he would worry too much. Also, I know he would be annoying about it. But at the same time I kind of want to tell him the truth. So I mix up lies and truth when I talk to him. It gets confusing.

The conversation went as follows:

Dad: Hey Denisey, I haven't heard from you in while.

Me: Sorry, I've been busy.

Dad: What are you doing? Are you home from San Francisco yet?

Me: No, not yet.

Dad: You're still there??

Me: No. I'm in Denver.

Dad: What? What the hell are you doing in Denver?

Me: I'm on a road trip.

Dad: What? Are you alone?

Me: No, I'm with my friend Jill.

Dad: Who's Jill?

Me: You don't know her, she's from L.A.

Dad: How far are you going?

Me: Umm, St.Louis.

Dad: St. Louis? Just you and your friend?

Me: Yep. Just me and Jennifer.

Dad: I thought her name was Jill.

Me: Uh. It is. Her last name is Jennifer. Jill Jennifer.

Dad: Denise...

Me: Dad...

Dad: How far are you going?

Me: Texas. Mexico. Hawaii.

Dad: What?

Me: Virginia.


Me: Yes?

Dad: What about work? Are you looking for a new job?

Me: Daaaaaad I told you I'm bartending while I find writing gigs.

Dad: Denise, you need a real job with benefits and...

Me: Daaaaaaaad... this is why I don't tell you stuff. I'm tired.

Dad: What are you doing out there Denise?

Me: I'm going to sleep. That's what I'm doing. Goodnight.

Dad: WAIT! Your mother wants to talk to you.

Me: Sigh.

And repeat.

P.S. Denver is lovely :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Naked Boys In San Francisco

Current Location: Eugene, Oregon

It's cold. I guess not VERY cold... but to someone that has gotten very used to 80 degrees daily, it's very cold. I type this as I sit here wearing my sweater, my friend Cameron's sweater over my sweater, and a blanket wrapped around me.

I'm just kind of waiting for my friend to wake up so we can start the day. That's the only problem with crashing at peoples houses along the way... once I get to the location, I'm no longer independently deciding when and what to do. Meh, I guess it's a small price to pay for a free bed and food. Plus it's nice to have a little company along the way.

I must say, I'm really enjoying the drives alone. I was very concerned I would get lonely, tired, and restless. I've been totally fine. More than fine, I've been really enjoying my drives.

I guess it's still a little too early to proclaim something like that, but so far so good. The solitude and lack of internet really gives me time to reflect and come to realizations.

For instance, on my first drive to San Francisco, about 3 hours into it I noticed something. I don't know about everybody else, but when I drive for a long period of time I basically just blast some music and then get lost in daydreams. I fantasize about the life that I want and a life that maybe one day I can have. Or I imagine a life I know I could never have.

So 3 hours into this drive I realized I wasn't daydreaming about things I didn't have or things I was unsure I could ever have. Instead, all I was thinking about was this trip I'm on and the adventures that are most likely ahead of me within it. This was amazing to realize because for the first time in possibly forever, my driving thoughts were based on my reality rather than a fantasy. This felt really good, and it made me realize I made the right choice by taking this "crazy" trip. I'm actually happy with my decisions at this present time... which is a rarity.

Aside from the mumbo jumbo... San Francisco was a lot of fun. It was awesome meeting JoshSource. He was everything I thought he was and I was super comfortable hanging out with him.

I was going to write more about San Francisco, but I've kind of tired myself out of writing at this point. Here's a quick summarized list of my experience:

- Parking was a bitch. I had to park about a mile away and take a bus back.
- The hills made me realize how super out of shape I am.
- We walked by a bar where a woman outside of it yelled "naked boy behind the bar". I thought she was just a drunk fool, but low and behold, inside the bar was a naked bartender. Hmm.
- A strange gay man walked up to Josh and I and told me I was "cool" because I have a gay friend. So there, at least I have that.
- Josh gave me a haircut that I LOVE!
- I had tons of fun making videos with Josh and ChristopherMast.

That's all for now. Damn it, Cameron still isn't up! Arg.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Around The World, Around The World

... or just around America. Whatever. Same diff. Only not really.


Tomorrow I begin an epic trip. A writers adventure. A YouTubers journey. The ultimate dorky excursion.

I'm driving cross country... and back. And I'm doing it alone. By choice. I have friends, I swear... really!

"You're going... ALONE?"

"Is that safe?"

"Can I come!?!?"

This is just something that I've always wanted to do. Ever since I decided I wanted to be a writer. I would fantasize about traveling the world and just taking in everything around me as I write my pathetic little heart away. These fantasies never really included the company of another... it just wouldn't be the same if I wasn't in solitude during these travels.

So... it begins now. Well, tomorrow if we're being technical.

It starts with America. Across and back. Easy enough.

Originally this was just going to be a "writer" thing, but shortly after declaring my plans for travel, some awesome YouTube friends chimed in and offered me a place to stay as I'm passing through.

This will inevitably result in a collection of colorful collabs and blogtv shows :)

As of right now, I'm officially staying with the following people:

(in order of appearance on my travel timeline)



JP will be joining Cameron and I



Josh (Empty)


Thank you so much to all of you guys for giving me a place to stay and some company along the way! Look forward to some possibly amusing collabs with them!

If anyone else would like to meet up or whatever... drop me a line and maybe we can make it happen.

I will updating my youtube channel and blog as often as possible along the way. For now, I need to finish packing...

America, I'm gonna make you my bitch.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 10 - Kiss My Ass

"Are you fucking crazy?"

"Are you dead yet?"

"I bet you look all anemic and shit."

"I'm going to laugh when you die from starvation."

Day 10, bitch. What now, huh? What now you non-believer!

Am I dead? No. Did I pass out? No. Did I turn into a lemon/lime creature? Maybe. Wait, wait... no.

I feel good. I feel proud. I feel in control.

You would think at this point I would be so thrilled and excited to begin eating again tomorrow. Honestly, I'm pretty neutral about it. 

The cravings completely disappeared yesterday. I didn't think about food at all again today. I'm sure I'll be happy to have food once I have it again, but I'm not dying for it like I was a few days ago. Odd.

Tomorrow I'm allowed to eat fruits and vegetables only. I'm fine with that. I stocked up on some bananas, grapes, plums, carrots and broccoli. Hooray vegan day!

Weight Loss: 11 lbs
Hunger: None.
Emotions/State of Mind: Normal.
Daydream Food of The Day: None.