Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 10 - Kiss My Ass

"Are you fucking crazy?"

"Are you dead yet?"

"I bet you look all anemic and shit."

"I'm going to laugh when you die from starvation."

Day 10, bitch. What now, huh? What now you non-believer!

Am I dead? No. Did I pass out? No. Did I turn into a lemon/lime creature? Maybe. Wait, wait... no.

I feel good. I feel proud. I feel in control.

You would think at this point I would be so thrilled and excited to begin eating again tomorrow. Honestly, I'm pretty neutral about it. 

The cravings completely disappeared yesterday. I didn't think about food at all again today. I'm sure I'll be happy to have food once I have it again, but I'm not dying for it like I was a few days ago. Odd.

Tomorrow I'm allowed to eat fruits and vegetables only. I'm fine with that. I stocked up on some bananas, grapes, plums, carrots and broccoli. Hooray vegan day!

Weight Loss: 11 lbs
Hunger: None.
Emotions/State of Mind: Normal.
Daydream Food of The Day: None.


Anonymous said...

i'm so proud of you.


you always do the most daring and brilliant things.

i look up to you.

but don't tell anyone i said that
it would make me less legit when i call you names.

Anonymous said...

p00p deets please.

. said...

Oh no regarding what CameronM82 said. It's not going to be pretty for a while.