Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dad, No Dad, Seriously, Dad...

Current Location: Denver, Colorado

My dad called me tonight. It's the first time I've spoken to him since I started this road trip.

Mind you, I chose not to tell him I was driving cross country out of fear that he would worry too much. Also, I know he would be annoying about it. But at the same time I kind of want to tell him the truth. So I mix up lies and truth when I talk to him. It gets confusing.

The conversation went as follows:

Dad: Hey Denisey, I haven't heard from you in while.

Me: Sorry, I've been busy.

Dad: What are you doing? Are you home from San Francisco yet?

Me: No, not yet.

Dad: You're still there??

Me: No. I'm in Denver.

Dad: What? What the hell are you doing in Denver?

Me: I'm on a road trip.

Dad: What? Are you alone?

Me: No, I'm with my friend Jill.

Dad: Who's Jill?

Me: You don't know her, she's from L.A.

Dad: How far are you going?

Me: Umm, St.Louis.

Dad: St. Louis? Just you and your friend?

Me: Yep. Just me and Jennifer.

Dad: I thought her name was Jill.

Me: Uh. It is. Her last name is Jennifer. Jill Jennifer.

Dad: Denise...

Me: Dad...

Dad: How far are you going?

Me: Texas. Mexico. Hawaii.

Dad: What?

Me: Virginia.


Me: Yes?

Dad: What about work? Are you looking for a new job?

Me: Daaaaaad I told you I'm bartending while I find writing gigs.

Dad: Denise, you need a real job with benefits and...

Me: Daaaaaaaad... this is why I don't tell you stuff. I'm tired.

Dad: What are you doing out there Denise?

Me: I'm going to sleep. That's what I'm doing. Goodnight.

Dad: WAIT! Your mother wants to talk to you.

Me: Sigh.

And repeat.

P.S. Denver is lovely :)