Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Day 9 - Fast - I Bet I Can Last Longer Than 10 Days

Today I felt completely normal in every way. Actually, I probably felt better than normal.

After lunch, the girl sitting in the cubicle next to mine was going on and on about how she didn't feel well and how she was tired and blah blah blah. I was thinking that I'M the one that should be feeling like that, right? I mean... I've always thought no food = sick, weak and tired. Somehow this was not the case.

I started drinking orange juice today and am officially done with the lemon/lime crap. I was a bit nervous that the transition would be painful or have some sort of negative effect. Nope, I was fine.

I took a moment and thought to myself,"I have not eaten in 9 days. I HAVE NOT EATEN IN 9 DAYS! How is this humanly possible?"

I cut myself to make sure I was still human. I was worried lemon/lime juice would start bleeding out of me... but no, still blood.

Of course I didn't cut myself, you silly nilly!

But seriously, I honestly don't understand how I could be feeling this normal after 9 days of not eating. Oh well, whateves. :::shrugs:::

Not only am I alive and well... but I had no cravings today. I didn't fantasize about food. Which was odd.

My office manager bought pizza for everyone. When offered, I declined. Obviously because of the fast. Who the hell declines free food?

But the amazing part of this was that when I declined the pizza, I was totally cool with it. I didn't have this longing "if it wasn't for this damn fast I could eat that" kind of feeling that I had been experiencing for most of this endeavor.

I'm very happy about that because it leads me to believe that I will really be able to make some changes to the way I eat. Let's hope.

Weight Loss: 10 lbs
Hunger: None.
Emotions/State of Mind: Normal, if not better.
Daydream Food of The Day: None! WTF?

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