Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fast - Day 4 - Food Association

It's the end of Day 4 and I'm kind of amazed I've made it this far. I mean, not really... because I have every intention of sticking it out till day 10. But I also know myself, and in knowing myself I know that I'm very weak when it comes to temptation. Sadly, self control is far from my strongest virtue.

For some reason this time I've been holding out well. I could easily cheat. I don't have to tell you guys. But I really didn't... and I'm amazed. I guess I'm actually trying to prove something to myself.

Today was long. It was also odd. I barely felt hungry today, but something in my body was kind of strange feeling. It's hard to describe. The only word I can think of to clarify how my body felt is rusty. I wasn't in pain or achy or anything... I just felt rusty. 

I don't know if you can imagine that. It seems like one of those things you have to experience. According to the text I have on this fast, some people notice problems with their joints. I guess that's what this was. It's supposed to be normal and okay if it happens. Normal my ass, that was weird.

I craved food less today than the other days. That was awesome. 

Something I realized about myself today; most of my cravings come from either emotional distress or association.

The emotions thing is obvious. Many people eat when they're upset, angry, stressed or whatever. 

On the other hand, the association thing was kind of odd to realize. Today I really took note of it. When I would hear a certain song (fine, fine, it's a Miley Cyrus song, damn it), I'd crave Thai food. I guess I would listen to that song as I drove to pick up Thai food on many occasions.

When I watch Lost, I crave double chocolate chip cookies. Probably because I would snack on that a lot as I watched it.

When I'm writing, I crave an ice cream sandwich. I suppose I've rewarded myself with an ice cream sandwich after writing on many occasions.

Is this a stupid realization? I don't know, maybe. I just know that without food there, I feel like I'm able to find the root of the desire for it. If I'm able to consciously realize why I'm craving something, maybe I can control myself in the future and maintain a healthier diet. Just a thought.

One more thing. I noticed that fasting seriously raises your sense of smell. I think I've mentioned this before, but it's worth mentioning again. It's kind of amazing. Sometimes I almost feel satisfied by just breathing in a yummy smelling meal... well, not really.

Weight Loss: 4lbs
Hunger: Barely hungry.
Emotions/Mental State: Normal emotions and mental state. Possibly a bit irritable, but I think it's because my day was very long and draining.
Daydream Food of The Day: Ihop breakfast special - which consists of scrambled eggs, sausage links, bacon, ham, hash browns and a stack of pancakes. Mmmmm breakfasty foods, delicious.

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