Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fast - Day 3 - Am I Dead Yet?

Remember yesterday how I thought I would wake up feeling violently sick? And then how I thought it was silly of me to think that that could happen... yeah, I spoke too soon.

Today was bad. Real bad. Maybe it's because my friend warned me it would be the worst day. Could have been all in my head. But no, I don't think so.

I woke up feeling like a sledge hammer was grinding into my head and my stomach was sucked dry with a vacuum... with a lovely touch of nausea. But the nausea had no relief because there was NOTHING IN MY STOMACH.

I called out sick from work. Meh, it's my last two weeks there anyhow... but that's a whole different story...

After calling out I went back to sleep and slept till 11am. Which is late considering I'm up at 6am most mornings.

When I woke up I felt a lot better. There was no pain, but I felt very weak and like something was just wrong.

I was getting very nervous. Maybe this was a bad idea. What the fuck am I doing? NOT EATING FOR 10 DAYS? Who do I think I am? Gandhi??

I almost gave in. Not for the sake of cravings... because this morning for the first time in 2 days I wasn't having any cravings at all. I just feared for my health. So I almost gave in and had some cheese puffs (trader joe's). That's all I have in my apartment right now.

But then I stopped myself as I reached for the bag and asked myself the following questions:

Isn't this supposed to be a part of the process anyway? 3rd day is supposed to be killer, right? Yes.

Won't eating cheese puffs as my first meal in 2 days probably only make me feel sicker? Pretty sure.

Are you a quitter? No way jose!

So I went and made some more lemon crap juice, drank it down and told myself to stop being a little bitch, and I felt all better within 2 hours.

I'm okay now. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Dear God, if you exist, please don't let me wake up the way I woke up today. Thanks.

Weight Loss: 3 lbs since the night of day 1.
Hunger: Only slight hunger towards the end of the day.
Mind/Emotions: I was thinking "OMG I FEEL SICK".
Daydream Food of The Day: Double Chocolate Chip Cookies... mmm... yes I will be saying mmm after every daydream food. They deserve it.

1 comment:

JhonQ said...

Well, now that the worst is passed, i guess you're gonna cruise through the rest.. ok that's a bit exagerated, but keep it on missy! ;)