Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 7 - Fast - Still Not Dead! Yay!

It is officially an entire week since I began this fast. I kind of can't believe it. Of course I have been committed to completing this fast... and many other people have done this before... but I couldn't really SEE myself not eating for this long of a period. But here I am... with not a single piece of food in my tummy for a whole week straight.

Some people have been inquiring if I've "cheated" at all. I won't lie, I've been tempted. There were times that I would tell myself a few little crackers won't hurt anyone, no one will know! Someone would've known... me. And really that's all that matters.

Fasting over the weekend was a bit easier than fasting at work. I guess because my job makes my day go by painfully slow... with or without food.

Just a few more days to go! Amazing.

Weight Loss: 8 lbs
Hunger: A few moments of hunger through the day... okay for the majority.
Emotions/State of Mind: Felt really good today.
Daydream Food of The Day: Mozzarella sticks! Yum. And mmm.


Anonymous said...

Keep it up! This is Shay

JhonQ said...

Woot! Death will not take denise so easily loll
Well you're doing well miss vlogs ;) I'll repeat the word of the wise man: Keep it up! ^^