Sunday, September 21, 2008


"You're doing what?"

"I'm fasting for 10 days."

"But.. but.. why?"

So yeah. I decided to fast for 10 days starting tomorrow.

The burning question ... why? Why oh why would you give up something so beautiful such as food? I know... I'm a big fan of food as well. Especially the yummy kind... trust me.

Honestly there is no epic and amazing reason why I'm doing this. I wish there was. I wish I was some awesome person doing it for world peace or animal rights or some crap like that. But no... I'm not that that awesome person.

I'm doing it for a variety of different reasons. The health reasons behind this are almost limitless. But to summarize... it's basically a detoxification. Detoxing myself of all the craptastic foods I've been shamelessly eating all of my life.

I'm not gonna lie to you people. I'm a bad girl. A very bad girl. I eat loads of fast food, junk food, chocolate, cookies, ice cream, yum, yum, yum... yuck!

It's become like an actual problem. A real addiction. For the past few months I've been wanting to eat better and healthify myself (yes, I just made that word up... making up words is fun), but I wasn't sure how to start. I felt trapped in a bad food cycle. True, it's all in your mind and willpower... but go tell that to someone that believes they're addicted to pot. There's no physical addiction, but the mind is a powerful thing. All we know is what our mind tells us... our reality is how we see, hear and feel it.


A friend of mine recently underwent a fast. He went without food for 10 days straight. When he first brought it up to me I thought he was insane. But when his 10 days were complete and I saw his health improvement and glow of accomplishment, I envied him.

I'm the kind of a girl that digs a challenge. I enjoy an adventure; even if it's on a small, internal scale. So what the heck, why not give it a go?

Just so you know, it's not a TOTAL fast. And it's not a WATER fast. Those are both highly dangerous. This particular fast is called the "Master Cleanse". You drink this special lemon/lime juice made from scratch along with tea at night. But that's it. NO food. NO yum yums.

When I went to whole foods to get the ingredients for the juice yesterday, I decided to buy some chocolate ice cream as my last indulgence. As the cashier rung me up she said, "Oh I know what's going on here." And I was like, "You do!?" She responded, "Yep, one last treat before the FAST."

I was thinking how the fuck did she know that? Hippie.

Then I was like WAIT... I'M the one doing this crap. I'M the friggen hippie. Damn it.

10 days.

Starting from tomorrow.

Will I make it? Can I do it? I hope so! I've endured worse I think.

I write this as I drink my first cup tea. By the way... I fucking hate tea. And I'm not a fan of lemonade. Here we go...


Unknown said...

Good luck, you better make some videos!!!

JhonQ said...

Hey! after reading this, i maybe not as strong or cool as you, but i'm giving a try at no fast food for a month beginning at this very hour! its actually 6:40 am. It's my small support to you, cause i think what you're doing is awesome, even tho you don't think it is.

I'm a mcdonalds/burger king/various other canadian fast food addict, and chips... and soda... and candies... and the list goes down *sigh*

So thats just to tell you this! I'll post it on my own blog, so i don't know why i keep typing.. loll
Good luck on your Fast!


breadfan18 said...

Hey Denise! I know this post is way too old and I am a little late in offering my 2 cents. And you are probably not fasting anymore! I gotta say though, this fasting thing is nuts, how can just drinking lemon juice for 10 days help you?? your body still needs nutrition y'know! what u shud do is just cut out the junk food and create a plannned diet, and follow it strictly (for a while anyway)...after a while, when you have heathified urself a litte (sry stole ur word), you can give in to indulgence occasionally...but NO fasting!!!!